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Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod APK 8.6 [علاوة,طليعة]
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Mod features:
Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod APK 8.6 is a premium version of the popular Bluetooth Commander app.
This mod APK is untouched and comes with the original hash signature certificate MD5 digest.
Users can enjoy all the features of the app without any changes being applied.
Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod APK Info
وصف Bluetooth Commander Pro
Bluetooth Commander is Bluetooth terminal app for managing low level communication between your Android smartphone and Bluetooth devices (one or multiple) such as microcontrollers, Arduino, processor boards or other Bluetooth terminals. Application allows simultaneous connections to multiple devices with traffic diagnostic functions and contains interface for creating database of user defined commands. From version 6.8 [currently available for beta testers] phone sensor data such as GPS position, acceleration, temperature, battery level, proximity, etc., can be included in commands and send to connected devices.
- Connection and communication with multiple Bluetooth devices simultaneously
- 3 interface layouts available (list, gamepad and fully customisable interface)
- Editor for creating commands in hexadecimal or text format
- Simple send-by-click interface
- Time based (periodical) transmission options
- Advanced logging functions, logging of multiple connected devices, color differentiations, time stamps
Bluetooth Commander app supports connection to following types of Bluetooth devices:
- Classic Bluetooth device ( SPP - serial port profile)
- Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth Smart)
Connecting to multiple BLE devices and multiple classic Bluetooth devices at the same time is possible
Application offers 3 types of interface layouts.
- Basic layout - Default layout in which commands are organised in a list view. Connection panel is placed in the top and log (with customisable size) in the bottom.
- Gamepad [BETA] - suitable for controlling moving devices where it is required to control features like driving directions, arm position, object orientation or moving parts in general, but it can be used for any other purposes and device types.
- Custom layout [BETA] - fully customisable user interface. You can design your own layout which suits your needs.
To switch between layout click on menu button -> Switch layout.
User guide now available:
Click here to become a beta tester
To scan for BLE devices, app need permission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION. The reason is (from Google developer guide): LE Beacons are often associated with location. In order to use BluetoothLeScanner, you must request the user's permission by declaring either the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission in your app's manifest file. Without these permissions, scans won't return any results.
Found a bug? Missing feature? Have a suggestion? Just email the developer. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Icons: icons8.com
Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod التعليمات
ماذا عن Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod ?
Bluetooth Commander Pro هو Tools تطبيقات تم التطوير بواسطة Marek Masr. تم تحميل هذا التعديل بواسطة مستخدمي تطبيق HappyMod. ميزة التعديل حول هذا الوضع هي : Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod APK 8.6 is a premium version of the popular Bluetooth Commander app.
This mod APK is untouched and comes with the original hash signature certificate MD5 digest.
Users can enjoy all the features of the app without any changes being applied..
كيف يمكنني تنزيل Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod?
تحتاج إلى النقر فوق زر التنزيل لتنزيل الصفحة , ثم ستقوم بالتنزيل Bluetooth Commander Pro مباشرة. إذا قمت بتنزيل تطبيق HappyMod , فلا بأس بذلك. تحتاج إلى تثبيت تطبيق HappyMod ثم النقر فوق زر التنزيل في صفحة التنزيل. سيظهر التطبيق الذي تريد تنزيله على تطبيق HappyMod.
ماذا عن سرعة التنزيل؟
سرعة التنزيل في HappyModpro سريعة حقًا. سرعة التنزيل في تطبيق HappyMod أسرع. يمكنك تنزيل تطبيق HappyMod أولاً في الصفحة الرئيسية.
Is Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod safe?
Bluetooth Commander Pro الوضع آمن 100٪. تم تحميل هذا التعديل من قبل المستخدمين. تم اختباره وعرضه بواسطة المحرر. ثم سنستخدم جميع أنواع برامج مكافحة الفيروسات لفحص الملف. لا داعي للقلق بشأن سلامة Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod.
لماذا لا يمكن تثبيت Bluetooth Commander Pro Mod?
أولاً , يجب إلغاء تثبيت الإصدار الأصلي Bluetooth Commander Pro التطبيق , سيتعارض التوقيع مع إصدار التعديل. ثم يجب أن تسمح بتثبيت مورد غير معروف على أجهزة Android الخاصة بك.
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